Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov States De-Dollarization ‘Can No Longer Be Stopped’

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has spoken on the current shift to national currencies and the de-dollarization international markets are currently experiencing. In a press conference after addressing the UN Security Council on April 25, Lavrov stated this shift could not

Ghanaian Cedi Second Worst-Performing Asset Among Sub-Saharan Africa’s Top 15 Currencies

In just the first 17 days of the new year, the Ghanaian currency reportedly depreciated by 12.7%, making it the second worst-performing among Sub-Saharan Africa’s top 15 valute. While one U.S. dollar bought 13.10 units of the cedi on the parallel

Poročilo: Egiptovski funt je dosegel novo najnižjo vrednost v primerjavi z ameriškim dolarjem kljub prilagodljivemu režimu menjalnega tečaja

Menjalni tečaj egiptovskega funta v primerjavi z ameriškim. januarja padel na novo najnižjo vrednost. 11 potem ko se je dotaknil 32.14 na zelenca. Zadnja znatna depreciacija valute je prišla le nekaj mesecev po tem, ko je sprejela prilagodljivo menjavo…

Rusija zapira plin EU, Vitalik razpravlja o varnosti bitcoinov, in več — Pregled tedna novic

Macro markets and geopolitics dominated the news this week, with Russia cutting off Europes gas supply, hedge funds betting against Italian debt, and the International Monetary Funds bailout for Zambia helping the kwacha overtake the ruble as the worlds best-performing currency….

IMF Bailout Could Be in UK’s Future, Says Strategist

Mizuho Securitieshead of global macro strategies has warned that an IMF bailout may be in the U.K.s future. Poleg tega, a former chancellor of the exchequer cautioned that Britain is entering a long and severe recession, emphasizing that it’s “the worst

Odobritev pomoči MDS pomaga zambijski kvači prevzeti položaj ruskega rublja kot najuspešnejše valute na svetu

After the International Money Fund revealed it had approved a bailout package for Zambia, the Southern African countrys currency, the kwacha, rallied by 3.1%. Following this gain, the kwacha took the Russian rubles position as the worlds best-performing currency in 2022….

IMF Warns Ongoing War in Europe Will Have a ‘Severe Impact on the Global Economy’

In a report published on Saturday, Mednarodni denarni sklad (IMF) has warned that an ongoing war in Europe and associated sanctions will have asevere impact on the global economy.The IMFs report says there isextraordinary uncertaintyin the